HKR Kitzbühel
Live Weather
Today, 29. June
day forecast
9 to 27 °C06:00
12 °C12:00
25 °C18:00
22 °C24:00
15 °CSome clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any cloudsTomorrow, 30. June
day forecast
13 to 22 °C06:00
15 °C12:00
20 °C18:00
16 °C24:00
14 °CVariable with showers in the beginning. The showers will turn into persistent rain in the afternoon.Saturday, 1. July
day forecast
13 to 20 °C06:00
14 °C12:00
18 °C18:00
17 °C24:00
13 °CRainfall will end around noon, then the clouds will break up.Sunday, 2. July
day forecast
12 to 23 °C06:00
14 °C12:00
21 °C18:00
18 °C24:00
14 °CSunshine and cloudiness will alternate throughout the day. A chance of showers towards evening.Today, 29. June
day forecast
10 to 18 °C06:00
12 °C12:00
17 °C18:00
16 °C24:00
14 °CSome clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any cloudsTomorrow, 30. June
day forecast
9 to 14 °C06:00
12 °C12:00
12 °C18:00
10 °C24:00
9 °CStarting fair, later scattered showers and finally widespread rain.Saturday, 1. July
day forecast
8 to 12 °C06:00
8 °C12:00
11 °C18:00
10 °C24:00
10 °CRainfall will end around noon, then the clouds will break up.Sunday, 2. July
day forecast
9 to 14 °C06:00
10 °C12:00
13 °C18:00
12 °C24:00
11 °CFairly sunny with scattered clouds. Showers will be possible towards evening.
Source: © GeoSphere Austria -