HKR 2024

Two retirements on the Streif


Thomas Dreßen from Bavaria and Christopher Neumayer from Salzburg both announced their retirement from active professional sport after the Downhill on Saturday.

Thomas Dreßen celebrated his greatest triumph in Kitzbühel, where the Bavarian ended his ski career today (in 46th place). "It's simply not physically possible to keep up with the frontrunners anymore. But what could be better than stepping down in Kitzbühel in this fantastic weather, against this backdrop?" It was a huge sensation when Thomas Dreßen managed to win his first World Cup race on the Streif on 20th January 2018. His breakthrough was subsequently followed by another four downhill victories.

Not only Thomas Dreßen, but also Christopher Neumayer crossed the finish line for the very last time today – and in doing so, achieved the best ranking of his career thus far. The 31-year-old from Salzburg finished in 12th place, before announcing his retirement live on ORF TV. The Streif was always one of his favourite racecourses and, "What could be nicer than retiring here with the best World Cup result I have ever had? " he said in the interview.

Photo © K.S.C./Laurin Joast

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